Sunday, March 15, 2009


Town’s gone very quiet all of a sudden.
Today I thought I’d do the tour, take in the sights, the sounds. Maybe take a few photos (see photo album), have a coffee, bit of shopping you know the kind of thing. A nice relaxed mooch about. Unfortunately I made the mistake of driving in (not something I usually do) and it took me half an hour to find somewhere to park. By the time I found a space I was spitting blood. My language was disgusting and I thought I was going to have a seizure. Om…Omm…Ommm…calm…calm… Serves me right for being such a lazy prat.
Anyway, as my first port of call I thought I’d go and have a look at developments in Barrack-sorry-Town Square. There weren’t any. Mind you there was some bloke bellowing into his mobile at some poor unfortunate, probably his wife…’I think you ought to come down off your high-horse don’t you…’. That was quite entertaining and made up for the sea of concrete and lack of human contact. (Photo).
Sad to say it looks like the tourists have all gone home. I suppose that’s it for the year. Not an American to be spotted anywhere. Except for the ever-present Japanese there was hardly any signs of a foreign presence at all, although there were a lot of French school kids about, doing some last minute shopping no doubt (ahem…nervous cough).
When I got back to the car I found myself wedged in. Aaagh…some people are so inconsiderate…deep breaths…1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10…aaand relax. Thankfully my superior driving skills and cool temperament got me out of that little challenge for David Blaine’s recent record. On the whole then? A wasted and crap day in beautiful downtown Stratford upon Avon. And I have the photographs to prove it. (ShakespeareLand plc)

Thought for the day.
I really, really hope that Stratford finds a Saviour soon. A hero. Someone who can put this little old market Town back on its feet.

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